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Reinsurance & Large Commercial Exams

Reinsurance Association of America (RAA)

Reinsurance Association of America (RAA)
The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) is a trade association of property and casualty reinsurers doing business in the U.S. They are committed to promoting a regulatory environment that ensures the industry remains globally competitive and financially robust. The RAA represents its members before state, federal and international bodies. They also provide extensive educational opportunities. Below, you will find the course offering that meets the ACE industry knowledge requirement.

Demystifying Reinsurance: A Basics of Reinsurance Course
Demystifying Reinsurance: A Basics of Reinsurance Course provides a comprehensive overview of the purpose and structure of reinsurance, with an introduction to life reinsurance. Taught by reinsurance industry experts, the seminar guides attendees through all steps of the reinsurance transaction and its impact on an insurance company’s bottom line. ReBasics targets reinsurance and broker company employees; insurance company professionals, and attorneys specializing in reinsurance. The course awards CLE, CPE and CPCU CPD continuing education credits. Register at ReBasics. Contact Ann-Marie at with questions about the program.

American Institute for CPCU / Insurance Institute of America

ARe Program
Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) Program Learn reinsurance principles and practices. The new curriculum features electives to let you tailor your study and a contemporary reinsurance readings course. You will gain an enhanced understanding of reinsurance terms and pricing, reinsurance treaties, and facultative certificates. You will also develop the necessary skills to design a reinsurance program. If you are a reinsurance professional working outside the U.S., earning the ARe designation can help you to better understand the U.S. market.

ARe 144 - Reinsurance Principles and Practices: Introduction to Reinsurance, Types of Reinsurance and Reinsurance Program Design, The Reinsurance Placement Process, Common Reinsurance Treaty Clauses, Quota Share Treaties, Surplus Share Treaties, Property Per Risk Excess of Loss Treaties, Casualty Excess of Loss Treaties, Catastrophe Reinsurance, Aggregate Excess of Loss Treaties, Reinsurance Audits, Reinsurance Regulation, Reinsurance Aspects of the NAIC Annual Statement, and Reserves.


ARA: Associate, Reinsurance Administration
LOMA's Associate, Reinsurance Administration™ (ARA™) Program will help you grasp reinsurance principles, the financial importance of reinsurance, and the development, administration and auditing of reinsurance products.